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Drupal.org - aggregated feeds in category Planet Drupal
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Liip: Throwback to Drupal Mountain Camp 2024

Di, 03/12/2024 - 01:00

Against the backdrop of snow-capped peaks and invigorating alpine air, attendees immersed themselves in a whirlwind of workshops, discussions, and outdoor activities showcasing the vibrant spirit of open-source technology and the beauty of the Swiss mountains.

We took this opportunity to ask Josef Kruckenberg, Product Owner at Liip and co-organiser of the Drupal Mountain Camp, a few questions.

Josef Kruckenberg, Product Owner at Liip and co-organiser of the Drupal Mountain Camp ©Patrick Itten

What are the goals of the Drupal Mountain Camp?

The Drupal Mountain Camp brings together experts and newcomers in web development to share their knowledge of creating interactive websites using Drupal and related web technologies. We are committed to uniting a diverse crowd from different disciplines, such as developers, designers, project managers, agency and community leaders.

The main highlights include:

  • Pre-conference with skiing, snowboarding and co-working in Davos in the Swiss Alps
  • 3 keynotes on headless CMS, open-source funding and personal development
  • 3 days with workshops, sessions and exchanges around the open-source CMS Drupal

What is your involvement in this, also as a Liiper?

As Drupal Community Coordinator at Liip, Jens Vranckx and I are part of the organising team that makes the Drupal Mountain Camp happen. For this year's edition, I have been focusing on recruiting keynote speakers and inviting speakers from other countries to provide a rich and diverse line-up. I also coordinate with our marketing team, coordinate some logistics at the venue, encourage Liipers to speak, and have fun taking pictures of the event.

In our workshop, Drupal for End Users, Jonathan Noack and I compared the different ways of creating landing pages with Drupal and allowed the audience to test blökkli, our interactive, open-source page-building solution.

As a board member of the Drupal Switzerland association, I’m also organising a Drupal Local Association Updates session that acts as an exchange format for open-source leaders in countries like France, Belgium, and Switzerland.

Jonathan Noack presenting blökkli ©Patrick Itten

Which speech inspired you the most and why?

I especially enjoyed Tearyne Almandarez's talk about grit and personal development. It reminded me of how I dealt with difficult challenges in my career, how imposter syndrome can hold one back and how important it is to find clarity about where you want to go, especially if that means you have to go outside of your comfort.

What outcomes would you like to share following this edition?

The Swiss and international Drupal community had a lot to share within the days of the mountain camp.

It's inspiring to see the multitude of approaches to solve key problems, such as interactive page building with Drupal.

I'm proud of the Liip team for contributing substantially to open-source by sponsoring and co-organising Drupal Mountain Camp and sharing our knowledge in many sessions.

Conference of Jutta Horstmann ©Patrick Itten

What are the next challenges?

The Drupal Mountain Camp is all about bringing people together. The organisers will get together, do a retrospective and get ready for the next iteration. What can we do to make it more accessible? Will we do it as usual in Davos? We had a lot of good discussions already at the conference, so I’m looking forward to seeing where we take the organisation next.

For Liip, we will continue investing highly in the open-source and Drupal community. We are excited to see how the community will use blökkli and what they contribute back to it.

Kategorien: Drupal News

TEN7: Just Say Drupal

Mo, 03/11/2024 - 23:52
A community call to action... let's ditch version numbers in the brand and just say Drupal. Drupal 7 becomes “Legacy Drupal” but we keep semantic versions around and invest in operational best practices.
Kategorien: Drupal News

ImageX: Integrate Zoom Meetings Seamlessly into Your Drupal Website via Our Developer’s Module

Mo, 03/11/2024 - 23:47

Authored by: Nadiia Nykolaichuk and Leonid Bogdanovych.

Zoom is a key player in the sphere of online meetings. They have the power to dissolve geographical barriers, uniting individuals and teams across vast distances for communication and collaboration. What can be more convenient than using a robust video conferencing platform? Using it in the comfort of your own Drupal website!

Kategorien: Drupal News

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #441 - CI for Drupal modules

Mo, 03/11/2024 - 21:00

Today we are talking about CI for Drupal modules, How it helps us build Drupal, and the ongoing work and improvements being made with guest Fran Garcia-Linares. We’ll also cover Require on Publish as our module of the week.

For show notes visit: www.talkingDrupal.com/441

  • What does CI mean
  • How do Drupal modules use CI
  • When we talk about Drupal CI are we talking about the website itself or the CI that supports contributors
  • What tools does Drupal use for CI
  • How do maintainers interact with CI
  • What changes have happened in the last year
  • Speed improvements
  • Drupal CI vs Gitlab CI
  • Process to convert
  • When is Drupal CI being shut down
  • What improvements are coming
  • If someone has an issue where do they get help
Resources Guests

Fran Garcia-Linares - fjgarlin


Nic Laflin - nLighteneddevelopment.com nicxvan John Picozzi - epam.com johnpicozzi Anna Mykhailova - kalamuna.com amykhailova

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever wanted to have content fields that could be optional until a piece of content is published, or ready to be published? There’s a module for that.
  • Module name/project name:
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Apr 2018 by Mike Priscella (mpriscella), though recent releases are by Mark Dorison (markdorison) of Chromatic
    • Versions available: 8.x-1.10
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained, latest release just over a month ago
    • Security coverage
    • Test coverage
    • Number of open issues: 18, 8 of which are bugs
  • Usage stats:
    • 3,001 sites
  • Module features and usage
    • With this module enabled, form to configure fields for you content types will have a new checkbox labeled “Required on Publish”
    • Check this new box instead of the normal “Required field” checkbox to have the field only required if the content is being published or already published
    • Useful for publishing workflows where you want content creators to be able to quickly get started on content, but ensure that fields will be filled in before publishing
    • Useful for fields that will optimize the content for SEO, social sharing, search, and so on
Kategorien: Drupal News

The Drop Times: Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Drupal Community

Mo, 03/11/2024 - 15:04

As we weave through the ups and downs of the evolutionary tides of technology, it's imperative to anchor ourselves in the values that foster an inclusive, equitable, and diverse environment. The essence of the Drupal community lies not just in our exceptional technical prowess but in the collective spirit that champions Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). This isn't merely a buzzword; it's the bedrock of innovation, creativity, and growth. 

As Mahatma Gandhi once said,

"Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization." 

Let us embrace this wisdom as we continue to build not just extraordinary products but also a community that reflects the world's vast and vibrant tapestry.

In this journey towards a more inclusive community, we must recognize that DEI is not the responsibility of a select few but a commitment from all of us. Whether you are a developer, stakeholder, or a member of the wider public, your voice matters. Your experiences, perspectives, and contributions shape our community's very fabric. Let's pledge to listen, learn, and act with empathy and understanding. Together, we can create a space that not only drives technological advancement but also mirrors the diverse world we live in.

Last week, celebrating Women's Day, TDT spotlighted notable quotes from women in the Drupal community, sharing their valuable insights and messages with fellow Drupalers. Additionally, the TDT released a special feature authored by Alka Elizabeth titled "Inspiring Inclusion: Celebrating the Women in Drupal | #1", emphasizing the importance of fostering inclusivity. In the article, Fei Lauren notes that,

One major problem is that we talk about DEI too abstractly instead of looking at data to identify problems – often, the data isn't even there. And when data is available, too often we talk about solutions without asking the individuals themselves what they need. We should learn to think about everything we do through the lens of DEI, but if we really want to drive change, we need to learn how to ask the right questions.

Please let us know if any women in the Drupal Community have inspired you and would like us to know and help us spread the word about them. Please share your insights with us at editor@thedroptimes.com. Also, part two will be out soon, so stay tuned.

Now, let's shift the focus and explore some of the latest news stories and articles we covered last week.

I had the opportunity to interact with James Shield and delve into his extensive 15-year journey within the Drupal community through a unique blend of personal interests and professional advancements. Read the full interview here.

Before the commencement of NERD Summit 2024 on March 8th and 9th, I also had the opportunity to discuss the event with its organizer, Rick Hood, and the keynote speaker, Jessica Cobb. Drawing from their valuable insights, I crafted a featured article highlighting NERD Summit 2024  titled "Exploring the Dynamic Landscape of NERD Summit 2024."

Alka Elizabeth penned a feature on  Alex Moreno's initiative to transform Drupal.org by integrating user roles for personalized onboarding, fostering community collaboration, sustainability, and innovation to boost contributions and engagement while also exploring future strategies for a sustainable Drupal and the community's pivotal role in effecting change. Learn more here.

In an exciting collaboration announcement, The Drop Times has partnered with DrupalCamp Ghent 2024, marking their return to Ghent on May 10-11, 2024, as the event's official media partner. We are also the official Media Partner for DrupalCamp Asheville 2024, an important fixture in the Drupal community calendar scheduled from July 12-14.

Developers are invited to submit their Drupal-based projects for consideration in the 2024 Splash Award Germany & Austria, with submissions open until July 31. The awards ceremony, scheduled for November 7 in Berlin, will see experts selecting the winners from the pool of digital projects. For more information, visit this link.

Registration is now available for Drupal Developer Days 2024 in Burgas. Speakers must register on the event's website to submit session proposals, but attendance is open to all without registration.

DrupalCon Portland introduces an exclusive $50 rate for students and recent alumni (from 2022 onwards), extending this discounted offer to individuals from colleges, universities, trade schools, and Drupal training programs. Learn more here.

Drupaljam 2024 announces an early-bird ticket promotion, allowing attendees to secure their spots at the event and save on registration fees until March 31st. More details are available for interested participants here.

Time is running out to submit session proposals for DrupalCon Barcelona 2024, with less than a month left for interested participants to seize the opportunity and share their ideas. Learn more about this here.

Get ready to celebrate coffee and community as the Drupal Coffee Exchange occurs during MidCamp 2024 on Thursday, March 21st, from 2:00 pm to 2:15 pm CDT. Events for the week are here.

Gábor Hojtsy reveals the latest updates on the Drupal 11 release, announcing potential release dates for either the week of July 29 or the week of December 9, 2024, pending completion of beta requirements. To learn more about the release, visit this link.

A critical security update for the Registration Role Module in Drupal has been issued, addressing an access bypass vulnerability affecting versions before 2.0.1. Discovered by Pamela Barone and Renaud Joubert, the flaw stems from a logic error during module upgrades, potentially allowing unauthorized role assignments to new users. Know more about this security update here.

The formation of the Advisory Committee for DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 has been announced, showcasing the combined efforts of diverse volunteers dedicated to ensuring the success of this European Drupal event. For further details about the committee members, visit the provided link.

Alex Moreno unveils a transformative approach to user onboarding, emphasizing enhanced engagement through simplified communication and community contribution incentives. Learn more here.

We acknowledge that there are more stories to share. However, due to selection constraints, we must pause further exploration for now.

To get timely updates, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Also, join us on Drupal Slack at #thedroptimes.

Thank you,
Elma John
Sub-editor, TheDropTimes.

Kategorien: Drupal News

ComputerMinds.co.uk: Webform Protected Downloads

Mo, 03/11/2024 - 12:58

I recently produced the first release of the Webform Protected Downloads module that is compatible with Drupal 10. It provides the ability for sites to have 'gated' content which users can download once they have filled out a form for their details. This can convert engaged visitors into leads, set up licenses for customers, or simply validate a user for access to a file. Put simply, as the project's description says, this module could be useful to you if:

  • You want to offer some files for download to either anonymous or registered users
  • You don't want those files to be publicly accessible
  • You want to collect some data before granting access to the files
  • You want to be sure that the user gives a valid email address

One of our clients recently came to us with requirements along these lines for their Drupal 10 site, so I went out looking for suitable solutions. There are several similar modules, but this was the only one that fit these specific needs:

  1. There should be no way for the public to access the files without completing the webform.
  2. There could be more than one file to provide access to from a webform.
  3. The file(s) should be downloaded from the website rather than sent by email.

We had used the module on an old Drupal 7 site a long time ago, but there hadn't been any work on it for a few years and there was no release compatible with Drupal 10. However, development had started in a branch that had been automatically opened up to new maintainers. This was a great example of how that process can help the community keep modules up-to-date and secure with little fuss. All I had to do was confirm a few details myself, and within a few hours I had access to update the project. Of course, I'm building upon the great work that has been done by the previous maintainers - and in this case, Timotej Lovrecic especially, who had created an initial fork on GitHub that was compatible with Drupal 8.

Now that we have a version to use with Drupal 10; let me introduce you to how to use it! I'll assume you can already download and install the module

Screenshot of the handler settings (click image for full size)

When you configure the settings of a webform, you can set up 'handlers'. Emails sent to users or administrators are probably the most common sort of handler, so the tab to configure these under Webform's 'Settings' page is labelled 'Emails / Handlers'. Add a handler, and choose the 'Webform protected download' type in the popup.

From here you can control what amount of verification you want to apply to the download link (such as whether you want to restrict it to the user that submits the form or not), whether the link should only work once, or expire after some time. The file to protect can be uploaded at the bottom of the form. 

Once you've configured and saved your handler, the next step is to use tokens to set how a user receives their link. These could go in an email - in which case configure an email handler, or a confirmation message/page - which can be set from the 'Confirmation' tab of the Webform's 'Settings' page.

In either case, the token to use takes the format: [webform_submission:protected_download_url:my_handler_id]. (If you only have one protected download, you can skip that last part off so it is just [webform_submission:protected_download_url].) The handler ID should be the 'machine name' from your handler settings, which is also shown in a column in the list of handlers. The token will be replaced with the user's unique download URL, so you may wish to use it directly within a plain-text email, or as a link destination in a confirmation message (which is usually HTML).

Example of using a download token for a link within the confirmation message

With that token in the right place, when your guest completes the webform, they'll now receive the link to download the file they wanted - and you'll have what you wanted in return.

Let me know how you get on. Your feedback is welcome in the comments below or in the Webform Protected Downloads module's issue queue!

Kategorien: Drupal News

The Drop Times: Dries Buytaert's Visit to Japan: Fostering Growth for Drupal Community

Mo, 03/11/2024 - 11:59
Explore the burgeoning impact of Dries Buytaert's visit to Japan, which fosters growth and collaboration within the local Drupal community. Delve into the anticipation surrounding his return and the promising prospects it brings for Drupal enthusiasts in Japan.
Kategorien: Drupal News

Drupal Association blog: Meet Imre, empowering Drupal's growth as a board member of the Drupal Association

So, 03/10/2024 - 15:30

We're delighted to introduce Imre Gmelig Meijling, one of the newest members elected in October of the Drupal Association Board. Imre, CEO at React Online Digital Agency in The Netherlands, brings a wealth of digital experience from roles at organizations like the United Nations World Food Programme, Disney, and Port of Rotterdam.

Imre is not only a member of the Drupal Association Board of Directors but also serves as an executive member on the DrupalCon Europe Advisory Committee. Previously, he chaired the Dutch Drupal Association, expanding marketing efforts and establishing a successful Drupal Partner Program. Imre played a key role in launching drupal.nl, a community website used by several countries. He co-created the Splash Awards and led Drupaljam, a Dutch Drupal event with almost 500 attendees. In 2023, Imre joined the Drupal Business Survey.

As a recent board member, Imre shares insights on this exciting journey:

What are you most excited about when it comes to joining the Drupal Association board?
I am very excited about joining the Drupal Association Board and contributing with insights and perspectives from the digital business market in Europe. Drupal has a strong market position with many opportunities for the coming years. I look forward to supporting the marketing team in their expanding efforts. I am particularly proud and excited to be part of an inclusive global community. Being part of an inclusive global community and supporting the Open Web Manifesto aligns closely with my personal values.

What do you hope to accomplish during your time on the board?
I aim to help expand Drupal's marketing outreach aiming for more wonderful brands and organizations adopting Drupal and attracting new talent to get involved with Drupal. I am also looking forward to establishing and sustaining relationships between Europe and other regions with the Drupal Association and finding ways to work even more closely together.

What specific skill or perspective do you contribute to the board?
Being part of an inclusive global community and supporting the Open Web Manifesto aligns closely with my personal values. Working with Drupal at various digital agencies in Europe, I support the growth of Drupal from a business-perspective, but having a technical background, I know the strength of the Drupal community has and can be for brands. Having been in both worlds for a long time, I will help and make sure we bring them together.

I was Chair of the Board for the Dutch Drupal Association, in which time a successful Dutch Partner Program was launched. Also, marketing and advertising on mainstream media was taking off during that time. I was also involved in the design and setup of the Dutch Drupal website, which is now open source. I co-founded the Splash Awards and I am Executive Member of the DrupalCon Europe Community Advisory Committee. I will share all of my experiences where I can. 

How has Drupal impacted your life or career?
It's part of my life, both professional as well as personal, for over 16 years.

Tell us something that the Drupal community might not know about you.
I own my own digital agency in The Netherlands, React Online. I began my career as a UX designer and front end developer for Lotus Notes applications, called 'groupware' at the time, a long gone predecessor to the social collaboration platforms that we now know well. Interestingly, my birthday is on January 15, just like Drupal!

Share a favorite quote or piece of advice that has inspired you.
A true leader is not one with the most followers, but one who makes the most leaders out of others. A true master is not the one with the most students, but one who makes masters out of others.

We can't wait to experience the incredible contributions Imre will make during his time on the Drupal Association Board. Thank you, Imre, for dedicating yourself to serving the Drupal community through your board work! Connect with Imre on LinkedIn.

The Drupal Association Board of Directors comprises 12 members, with nine nominated for staggered 3-year terms, two elected by the Drupal Association members, and one reserved for the Drupal Project Founder, Dries Buyteart. The Board meets twice in person and four times virtually annually, overseeing policy establishment, executive director management, budget approval, financial reports, and participation in fundraising efforts.

Kategorien: Drupal News

MidCamp - Midwest Drupal Camp: Looking for Non-Technical Training?

So, 03/10/2024 - 00:08
Looking for Non-Technical Training?

With less than two weeks to go, trainings at MidCamp 2024 are on sale and filling up fast. 

This year we’re excited to offer two great options for non-technical folk, also open to technical attendees who are looking for alternative options:

Tech Career Tune-Up: Navigating Your Path in Tech with Confidence and Clarity

Dive into a transformative 3-hour workshop designed by Nichole Addeo of Mythic Digital, specifically for tech professionals.

"Tech Career Tune-Up: Navigating Your Path in Tech with Confidence and Clarity" offers a unique blend of career reflection, exploration, and mental wellness tools tailored to address the challenges unique to the tech world.

Learn More

What am I Getting Myself Into? A Drupal Crash Course for Non-Developers

If you’re new to Drupal, then this hands on course is the class for you. Rod Martin of Promet Source will teach the key concepts you need to understand, navigate and use a Drupal site.

Learn how to build a Drupal 10 site, from content and user organization, to working with modules and themes. This training will answer the questions you didn’t even know to ask!

Learn More

Important Dates:

  • Save $100 before the regular ticket pricing ends: March 14

  • See you there! MidCamp 2024: March 20-22

Save $100 before March 14

Kategorien: Drupal News